
Advanced Business Decision Making Strategies


This pilot workshop aims at introducing participants to decision-making situations to push the transformation process. Where there is comprehensive coverage of both operations, marketing, sales, human resources, management and strategy during the rescue process. During simulations and teamwork, two to three people will support and enable experiential learning.

The specific factors of the International trade in modern age vary relatively by the variety of laws. Yet, in general, they share much in common. And, on the margins of the subject, it's believed that the international economic relations as known are to transport the commodities or trade services among various states. With its broad meaning, sometimes the human resources and the investment capital could be transported into other states. On this basis, the facts of the carriage of these productive elements are determined by associated, specific conditions and factors, which help to form the general trend of the international trade as a whole.

Risk management is a process of risk Identification, Measurement, & Assessment, beside the development of strategies for management and reduction of prospective damages. These strategies include risk transfer, prevention, minimization of adverse impacts, and finally the absorption methods of some or all of the obligatory consequences. It can also be defined as Management Activities aimed at controlling risk and exerting maximum efforts and potential to reduce any risks to the acceptable levels.

This course is provided for anyone who wants to acquire significant skills in warehouse and warehouse management, to learn the secrets of logistics in institutions and companies, and to develop the reality of logistics work in enterprises. Supply Chains are networks of independent or semi-autonomous business entities that are jointly responsible for the needs insurance, manufacturing and distribution activities of one or more interrelated products, and can also be defined as a sequence of Delivery of a commodity or service, and start main raw materials and ends with the final customer.

Objectives and target group

What are the most significant specific factors of international trade in modern age?

Natural resources distribution:

It means to be distributed among the states. And this distribution may cause the existence of variation and difference in determining the source of wealth for a state. Therefore, the international trading will considerably be positioned and allocated, where a state may produce just no more one commodity. 

Size and power of the state:

The size of the state helps to determine the extent of integration and provision of its natural resources, in addition to the human resources. Thus, it will affect the production volume, and so the nature of the international trade.

Transport charges:

The volume of trading among the states increases by the reduction of the prices and the charges of transport. Thus, it will allow expanding the international trade through introducing new products in them as there was a difficulty to be listed due to the rise in its transport charges.     

Change in the turnout for specific commodity:

Among the most prominent specific factors for the international trade in modern age is the significant change in the tastes whether of the imported state or of the consumer. And it's the matter which determines the volume of importing certain commodity. In addition, in many cases, the imported states resort to the replacement of the commodities that they have imported with other further profitable commodities. However, all of that shall be done within the volume of the available productive elements.   

This Course is provided for the following Target Audience:

  • Directors and owners of large commercial and industrial companies.
  • General Managers in public and private companies.
  • Directors of internal audit offices in companies.
  • Managers of the audit and audit department in companies.
  • All employees in the field of financial control in companies.
  • All students seeking contemporary approaches in financial auditing and how to detect risks.

How participants will benefit from attending a riskـbased audit course:

At the end of the course, the participants will know:

  • Methods of modern and contemporary financial auditing and its role in building the mechanism of work and directing management.
  • Risks and problems that may be discovered by company managers through the company’s auditors and financial auditors.
  • The great role of financial auditing and the role of internal audit offices in avoiding the company’s financial problems.
  • Disclosing the problems and mistakes of the company’s financial accountants and reviewing the financial reports.

Course Content

  • Important principles of investment.
  • Types of investments in terms of degree of vulnerability.
  • Methods of control and anticipation of risks.
  • Basic principles of investment.Standard risk management.
  • Contact and Consult. Create a Framework.
  • Risk identification.
  • Risk analysis.
  • Risk assessment.
  • Risk management Monitoring and auditing.
  • Risk management process.
  • Methods of risk assessment.
  • Precautions to be taken for avoiding risks.
  • Relationship between risks and the institution policies and procedures.
  • Reasons for assessing risks and taking the necessary precautions.
  • Methods of certification of risk assessment and necessary precautions.
  • Methods of dealing with some risks resulting from corruption.
  • The proper time to take the necessary precautions.
  • Risk assessment categories.
  • Risk assessment field work.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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£3800 £3800
